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Invoice currency code

public string $currency


VAT accounting currency code

public string|null $vatCurrency = null


Sum of all invoice line net amounts

public float $netAmount = 0


Sum of all allowances on document level

public float $allowancesAmount = 0


Sum of all charges on document level

public float $chargesAmount = 0


Total VAT amount for the invoice

public float $vatAmount = 0


Invoice total amount without VAT

public float $taxExclusiveAmount = 0


Invoice total amount with VAT

public float $taxInclusiveAmount = 0


The sum of amounts which have been paid in advance

public float $paidAmount = 0


The amount to be added to the invoice total to round the amount to be paid

public float $roundingAmount = 0


Total VAT amount in accounting currency

public float|null $customVatAmount = null


Amount due for payment

public float $payableAmount = 0


Group of business terms providing information about VAT breakdown

public \Einvoicing\Models\VatBreakdown[] $vatBreakdown = []


Create instance from invoice

public static fromInvoice($inv: \Einvoicing\Invoice): \Einvoicing\Models\InvoiceTotals

